1-46-7 Minami Ota, Minami-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 232-0006 Japan
TelePhone: +81-45-730-6311, Facsimile: +81-45-716-3831
(C)Copyright 2009-2013 Asia Kyodo-Sekkei Consultant Co,. Ltd. All right reserved.

Asia Kyodo-Sekkei Consultant Co., Ltd.
Consulting Engineers
Yokohama, Tokyo, Fukuoka  Japan
(2) Scope of Work
Field Survey, Review of Previous Studies and Preliminary Design, Detailed Design, Cost Estimation, Preparation of Pre-Qualification and Tender Documents including Technical Specification Requirements.
(1) Summary
West Bank Bypass construction project was nominated as a top priority project. Considering urgency and importance of the project the Government of Pakistan decided to allocate a part of the counter part fund of JBIC Emergency Earthquake Recovery Loan to the project on June 2006, and requested technical assistance including detailed design to the Government of Japan. According to the said request from Pakistan, JICA conducted the preliminary design of the project from September to December 2006 as a part of M/P Study.
Naluchi Bridge :
Length   246 m
Type : PC Extra Dosed Box Girder Bridge
: Hollow Wall Type Pier
    Caisson Type Pile (φ15.0m) 
Approach Viaduct     
Length    168 m 
Type    4 Spans Continuous PC Box Girder Bridge 
    Wall Type Pier 
    Cast in Place Concrete Pile (φ1.2 m) 

 The Project for Construction of Naluchi Bridge, Muzaffarabad
                   (2007, Islamic Republic of Pakistan)