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TelePhone: +81-45-730-6311, Facsimile: +81-45-716-3831
(C)Copyright 2009-2013 Asia Kyodo-Sekkei Consultant Co,. Ltd. All right reserved.

Asia Kyodo-Sekkei Consultant Co., Ltd.
Consulting Engineers
Yokohama, Tokyo, Fukuoka  Japan
(1) Summary
Sinduli Road was planned to connect from the capital city Kathmandu to the Terai Plain that is the center of the agricultural production in Nepal and to secure the reliable route for supplies to the Kathmandu and to contribute to the development of the Terai Plain area. Sinduli Road was divided into 4 main construction areas, first area (Bardibas - Sindhuli Bazaar: 38km) is situated in the boundary between low land and mountainous area and is passing through collapsing hillside. Roads for 2 to 4 areas are located in the steep mountainous area and require road , bridges and other structures including slope protection measures suitable for actual conditions of the site.

We planned infiltration type check dam and causeway as the countermeasure for collapsing hillside and mad flow area particularly for gravelly area in the foot of the mountain taking economical and functional points into account. Appropriate assessment was required to select Bridge type and selection on location of foundation work suitable for topographical and geological conditions at site. Function of road, maintenance of level of service and reduction of construction cost are key element on the planning. We made a plan and design considering topographical and geological features of Nepal and selecting appropriate bridge type and types of other structures.
Total Length of Road : 158km
Incidental Structures : Bridge(Concrete Bridge, Steel Bridge),Causeway, Box Culvert, Pipe Culvert
(2) Scope of Work
Site Survey, planning for road, bridge and other structures, Design for Temporary Works, Construction Statement, Construction Cost Estimation, Work Control Programme

 The Project for Construction of Sindhuli Road (Sec.T 〜 Sec.W)
          (1994 〜 2009, Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal)