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TelePhone: +81-45-730-6311, Facsimile: +81-45-716-3831
(C)Copyright 2009-2013 Asia Kyodo-Sekkei Consultant Co,. Ltd. All right reserved.

Asia Kyodo-Sekkei Consultant Co., Ltd.
Consulting Engineers
Yokohama, Tokyo, Fukuoka  Japan
(1) Summary
Traffic volume of existing road between Kathmandu and Bhaktapur was 50,000 Nos per day near the city of Kathmandu and the road was facing daily traffic congestion and exceed the capacity for the road with 2 lanes. The project includes the extension of lanes from 2 to 4, provision of new bridge having two lanes, provision of bus stops and improvement of intersections to solve daily traffic congestion, improve traffic safety and thus to contribute to the regional economical activation.

Total length of Route : 9.1km
Incidental Structures : 2 New Concrete Bridges, Box Culvert, Pipe Culvert
The road is a part of the Asian Highway but is indispensable for daily living in the urban area having many obstructions such as many access roads, intersections, bus stops and life line cables. Careful planning and design were required taking existing traffic conditions and sourounding circumstances into account. Construction and improvement of road in urban area should be carried out under live heavy traffic conditions and therefore appropriate control of live traffic was necessitated to consider in the construction statement during the course of construction.
(2) Scope of Work
Site Survey, planning for road, bridge and other structures, Design for Temporary Works, Construction Statement, Construction Cost Estimation, Work Control Programme including coordination with local bureau of road.
 The Project for the Improvement of Kathmandu - Bhaktapur Road
                (2006, Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal)