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Asia Kyodo-Sekkei Consultant Co., Ltd.
Consulting Engineers
Yokohama, Tokyo, Fukuoka  Japan
No traffic signals were provided at the existing intersections and therefore traffic congestion was happened as the result from random movement of peoples, bicycles, bikes and cars at the intersections, which shows the danger from the aspect of traffic safety. Planning and designing were conducted to secure smooth traffic flow and safety of pedestrians by control with traffic signals at the intersections. We planned traffic signal system based on the survey of traffic volume and the full understanding of traffic alignment learned from the site survey conducted. Japanese type traffic signal system was introduced with the consent of the Government of Nepal.
(2) Scope of Work
Traffic Survey and Report, Traffic Signal Design, Design of Intersections and Bills of Quantity
Number of Intersections   13 locations
(1) Summary
In the capital city of Nepal Kathmandu rapid increase of traffic worsen the daily traffic congestion and made increase of traffic accidents, delay of public transport and thus obstruct the smooth living life in the city of Kathmandu. In addition to the obstructions air pollution induced by the exhaust gas from the vehicles gave the serious environmental impact to the inhabitants. Major cause of this problems was insufficiency of intersections in the city of Kathmandu. Under the circumstances Government of Nepal decided to improve the intersections.

 The Project for Improvement of Intersections in Kathmandu City
               (2001, Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal)