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Asia Kyodo-Sekkei Consultant Co., Ltd.
Consulting Engineers
Yokohama, Tokyo, Fukuoka  Japan

 The Project for Improvement of Naubise Road
   (2000 〜 2001, Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal)
(2) Scope of Work
Traffic Volume Survey and Report, Projection of Future Traffic Volume
(1) Summary
Tribhuvan Road is only available for the road passing through the capital city of Kathmandu and Naubise to the Terai Plain. The road was constructed along the steep mountainous area and therefore the gradient more than10% and many hairpin curves were existed along the line of road. Therefore traffic accidents and traffic shutdown due to collapse of slope during rainy season happened frequently and capacity of road shows full of capacity. Traffic volume survey (Owner Interview survey, Cross Sectional Traffic Volume Survey and Traffic Speed Survey) was conducted together with local consultant. We provided most efficient selection of Route based on the projection of traffic volume at the time of construction, which was estimated by the survey results and economical indices. We compared the projected traffic volumes for several structural types and several selected routes of the road.