Asia Kyodo-Sekkei Consultant Co., Ltd.

Consulting Engineers

Yokohama, Tokyo, Fukuoka  Japan

Home >Business >Constuction Management Division

AKC can provide project management services at any phases of the project allocating most appropriate professionals to the project to satisfy the requirements from the clients. Our services will not be restricted to the construction activities but will include documentation for monthly certificate, proper assessment of the variation and even for dispute resolutions. AKC has excellent track records for the project management for any projects such as road, river,airport and several plants constructions.

Domestic Services For Tne Ministry of Land,Transport, Infrastructure and Tourism, Nippon Expressway Company, Airport Authorities, UR etc. Overseas Services, Project Management For Road, Bridges etc.
Our Project Management Service Include supervising the Civil Construction Project at site. Our Qualified And Licensed professionals will be dispatched to the construction site to suit the requirements from the customers


Project Management Division

Domestic Construction Management
  NEXCO , Ministry of Land , Airport Company , UR etc
Overseas Highway
Construction Management of Bridge Project

Total Management of Quality, Process, Safety, And Cost, etc.


1-46-7 Minami Ota, Minami-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 232-0006 Japan
TelePhone: +81-45-730-6311, Facsimile: +81-45-716-3831
(C)Copyright 2009 Asia Kyodo-Sekkei Consultant Co,. Ltd. All right reserved.
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